Throughout the planning process there will be several opportunities for community members to provide input and direction for the West Mesa Trails Plan. Stay up-to-date and share your thoughts using the tools below:
Community Survey
UPCOMING meetings
There are no upcoming meetings at this time. Please feel free to send a comment or complete the survey to provide input.
previous meetings
Community Meetings
Tuesday, June 14th: Westgate Community Center
Thursday, June 23rd: Don Newton- Taylor Ranch Community Center
Residents of the Westside met at either the Westgate Community Center or Don Newton-Taylor Ranch Community Center to review and revise tentative trail recommendations based upon research and site visits. Collectively, over 30 residents attended one of the two meetings and providing input to Sites Southwest and City of Albuquerque Open Space Division staff.
The planning team will use input to make revisions to the initial trail recommendations and use it to create final trail alignment recommendations.
Community Meeting - April 19th 2022
Residents of the Westside, and the general public gathered at the Open Space Visitor Center to learn more about the West Mesa Trails Plan. Over 30 participants shared their knowledge of the West Mesa open spaces and their experiences on trails in the Albuquerque area.
The planning team used insights gathered at this meeting to guide future outreach, site analysis, and determine other research needs.
Participants were informed of the website, the upcoming neighborhood meetings, and future survey.